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President Xi, the beginning unprecedented third term.

After a meteoric rise to become China’s most powerful leader in centuries, President Xi Jinping has been granted an unprecedented third term in office. Xi raised his right fist and laid his left hand on a crimson leather copy of the Chinese constitution during an elaborate ceremony in Beijing. He swore to “create a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and […]


Chinese National Day is on October 1, which is an annual public holiday celebrated in the People’s Republic of China. The day marks the end of dynastic rule and the march towards democracy. It is an important milestone in the rich history of the People’s Republic of China. The holiday is also celebrated by China’s two special administrative regions: Hong Kong and Macau. […]

Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) 2022

Mid-Autumn Festival also called the Mooncake Festival or the Moon Festival. It is an essential traditional festival in China. People celebrate the festival by gathering with families, eating traditional foods, lighting lanterns, and appreciating the moon. Mid-Autumn Festival 2022 falls on the 10th of September, Saturday. Combined with a weekend, Chinese people will have a 3-day holiday from September 10 to 12. How to […]

Chongqing Beibei Mountain Fire

The open fires in Chongqing forest fires surrounded the Chongqing beibei area. About more than 1,700 local rescue forces have been invested in the city and district. More than 70 vehicles (frames) and more than 160 water pumps and other equipment have been put into the rescue, and a total of 71 helicopters have been dispatched to sprinkle 1,110 tons of […]

Indonesia Independence Day 77th

Happy 77th Independence Day to motherland Indonesia! All Indonesian people celebrate the independence day of the Indonesian state which falls on August 17, 2022. The whole ornament of independence adorns the streets of the capital. The red and white flag also colored the city of Jakarta. We are proud to be Indonesian and hopefully, Indonesia will be better off next […]

Rasisme Anti-Asia

Previous Next Halo sobat Chongqing ?? Rasisme adalah sebuah topik yang selalu hangat diperbincangkan setiap tahunnya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan berbagai permasalahan yang muncul terkait isu rasisme ini. Tidak hanya di beberapa negara saja, isu ini bahkan telah mendapat perhatian dunia.Nah kali ini @ppichongqing akan membahas mengenai rasisme anti asia ???Yuk langsung disimak postingannya, dan jangan lupa buat like, comment, […]

Mengenal Gaya Belajarmu

Previous Next Halo sobat Chongqing ?? Memang benar adanya, bahwa setiap orang memiliki gaya belajar yang berbeda-beda. Dengan referensi belajar yang berbeda, maka dari itu setiap orang memiliki cara belajar efektif yang berbeda untuk satu sama lain. Nah kali ini @ppichongqing memberikan informasi mengenai gaya belajar seperti apa aja nih yang bisa kita gunakan? ? ? Yuk langsung disimak postingannya, […]

Wayang, Indonesia’s Culture Inheritance

Previous Next As we know, Wayang is one of the peaks of the Indonesian’s beloved culture, which is the most prominent among many other cultures! Do you know well about Wayang? ?Check out our wrap on this one and let’s preserve our tradition and culture! Also, we would appreciate you give us likes and share this if you found this […]

Atlet Wanita Terbaik Indonesia

Previous Next Halo sobat Chongqing ? Kartini menjadi tokoh perempuan yang semasa hidupnya memperjuangkan kebangkitan dan kesetaraan. Lewat emansipasi, perempuan memiliki hak yang sama dengan pria.Perjuangan Kartini itu pula yang menghadirkan sejumlah atlet perempuan di olahraga Indonesia hingga layak diperhitungkan di kancah olahraga Indonesia. Nah kali ini @ppichongqing memberikan informasi memgenai Atlet perempuan Indonesia ??Yuk langsung disimak postingannya, dan jangan […]

Bijak Berselancar di Dunia Maya

Previous Next Halo sobat Chongqing ?? Saat ini, media sosial memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam kebutuhan bersosialisasi dan komunikasi. Hanya dalam satu genggaman, seluruh manusia di muka bumi kini bisa dengan mudahnya bertukar informasi. Saking mudahnya, kita jadi sering menghabiskan waktu dengan scrolling medsos. Di samping itu, sekarang marak pula terjadinya penyalahgunaan medsos seperti penyebaran hoax, penyebaran ujaran kebencian, […]